EFM Health & Wellness Hub: NDIS Gym Membership

0413 431 404

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EFM Health & Wellness Hub

Introducing EFM Health and Wellness Hub; a program aimed at improving quality of life for people with various health conditions and disabilities. The Health and Wellness Hub supports NDIS and private practices through Medicare and private health fund clients alongside Clinical Exercise Physiologists. When attending EFM Health Clubs, a committed AEP and allied health assistant will guide you through an NDIS gym membership fitness program tailored to your individual health and wellness goals.

Benefits Of Exercising At EFM

Improve your motor control, coordination and balance

Fall prevention is an important part of an EFM fitness program. With an NDIS fitness program, we can help you with a range of exercises to increase coordination and balance.

Reduce your risk of developing dangerous
health conditions

Regular, monitored exercise is the key to aging well. Regular exercise has been proven to help reduce the risk of dangerous health conditions and our programs are designed to help you improve your health.

Improve strength, movement
and flexibility

Our strength, movement and flexibility all tend to reduce as we get older. The great thing about exercising with your NDIS gym program is that we can help you get stronger and more flexible!

Improved confidence and
quality of life

Exercise is the best natural way to boost self confidence and feel great! We’d love to help you towards a fitter, healthier and happier life with our NDIS gym programs!

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NDIS Gym Membership Offerings

  • Fitness Programs
  • Personal Training
  • Yoga & Pilates
  • Group Fitness Classes
  • Exercise Physiologist Appointments
  • Physiotherapy

Incredible Member Transformations

exercise physiologist ndis fitness program

Cathy – 250 Workouts!

We love helping members to achieve results! Just like Cathy, who achieved her 250th EFM workout with an NDIS program recently!

Owen – Another one!

Getting fitter and healthier starts with session number 1. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with the guidance of an NDIS exercise program with EFMs network of exercise professionals!

Sharon – Another success story!

The success stories keep on coming! We help members right across Australia with an NDIS gym membership program that targets individual needs and objectives as part of the program. Enquire today!

Try EFM today!

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Contact Details

EFM Health Hub Coordinator: Fiona Lindblom

Phone: 0413 431 404

Email: healthhub@efm.net.au