“Boxercise”: EFM Health Clubs Home or Travel Workout
The following home or travel exercise program requires minimal equipment and allows for an all-over body workout, with plenty of variety.
1. Warm up – remember to focus on the muscle groups you will be using in the session.
2. You may need to adjust distances, levels and quantity depending on your gym layout and available machines.
3. Make sure weights are balanced, safe, and that you’re using correct technique and appropriate resistance.
4. Adjust times to suit your total available workout time.
5. Work through, in order, from top to bottom
Warm-up: 5 mins on a machine of your choice
1 min jogging on the spot
1 min cross-overs (punching left and right hand alternately)
1 min upper cuts
1 min jogging on the spot (knees up)
1 min jogging on the spot (heels to bum)
1 min slow
1 min fast
1 min left leg only
1 min right leg only
1 min double skips
Upper Body:
(DB = Dumbbell)
25 x DB front raises each arm
25 x DB standing shoulder press
25 x DB standing alternating bicep curls
25 x DB tricep extensions each arm
If no DBs available, perform 25 x pushups and 25 x dips twice each
Lower Body:
25 x Static lunges each leg
25 x DB squats
25 x side leg raise each leg
25 x DB calf raises each leg
If no DBs available, perform without
30 x Oblique crunches each side
50 x Roman twists (with DB if avail.)
30 sec Oblique hold each side
30 x Reverse crunches
2 x 1min prone brace
Cool down: 5 minutes of low intensity cardio and stretching
And that’s another session down!
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