Coach Roger’s 2018km’s in 2018
It’s Christmas week of 2017 and a New Year dawns. I start to think, what challenge can I present myself this year? It’s been a lean couple of years for me with running, so why not a running goal! But what? A marathon? Probably not. Half marathon? Yeah, but I’d probably do that anyway, along with 15km & 10km runs throughout the year.
So how about running 2018 km’s in 2018?! …(sounded like a good idea at the time!)
Hhhmmmm… 39 kilometres per week x 52 weeks… Probably doable, so YES, Lets Do IT!
I then thought it’d be a great idea to update all the members with my progress, for accountability and all that! I am planning to ask you all for your goals for 2018 & commit to them in writing, so why not lead the way myself.
So with one week to go before January 1 I have a goal set and a running plan in place, then guess what…INJURY.
After a visit to the osteopath, it’s decided I have strained ligaments in my left ankle and was advised I shouldn’t run for at least 2 weeks, if not longer. Nah, I said. I offered her 3 days of no running, and she advised strapping the ankle, so the deal was done and I started running again a few days later, hoping for a speedy recovery!
1st week in and I’m really struggling to get the ankle free and strong enough to comfortably run, but it’s good enough to push through. I hate tape strapping, but I’ve found a happy medium where it’s not as rigid as when I first did it.
New runners are next on the list as I’m well overdue, so I thought I’d try a new store, The Running Company. They are a specialized running store and really take their time with customers. Over at least 30 minutes they put me in as many different runners as possible, until I felt happy and comfortable in a pair of New Balance 880 V7. They even suggested not running in my orthotics as it could be partly responsible for the injury and guess what, it felt better straight away! Every little bit helps, WooHoo!
So I tried a run with no strapping at all and it felt so much better, well at least around 70%. Running continued, strengthening exercises daily and now, at the end of January, the ankle feels around 85% strength. Still a way to go but I’m feeling better each week!
It’s been hot, damn hot, cool, wet and even cold this January, but with a bit of planning, commitment and being accountable to you and myself, I’m happy to report that I’m spot on target with 170 km down for the year (target 168.2km). I’ve been trying to run 4 times a week – 1 x 5km, 1 x 10km, 1 x 8km and 1 x 10-15km longer run.
I contemplated not writing this or even sharing my goal, but I’m human and go through all the same ups and downs as everyone, plus it’s good to show members that us coaches experience them as well.
So here it is, the good, the bad, the success and the failures. It’s going to be my journey and I hope you enjoy sharing in the ride, as well as pushing me along the way as required!
Coach Roger
EFM Health Clubs Bundoora