How To Lose 2 Kilograms Per Week
Losing 2 kgs per week is no easy task, but doable for many people. You just have to know the formula and know how to count calories. Caloric deficit is what you need to decrease your weight up to 2kgs a week. You should burn more calories than what is consumed on a specific day, that’s the basics of it.

Here are some tips to help you conquer the weight loss battle:
Guide To Losing 2 Kilograms Per Week
Never be hungry
When you feel hunger, your judgment is often clouded. You make bad decisions when you’re feeling hungry and you this is the time where most people eat poor quality food that ends up in weight gain. And after it’s done, the only possible out come is regret.
You can combat this by planning ahead. Prepare snacks and meals before heading out. Have healthy snacks such as hard-boiled egg, pistachios, crackers, raisins and yogurt readily available. Do not skip meals. Finally, opt for protein rich foods that will help make you feel full longer and build lean muscle.
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Eat good food after workouts
People do not realise that they are overestimating how much they burn when they workout. The reality is the numbers are often less than what they thought. With this kind of mentality, people eat more than what they burn when they exercise. This becomes a problem if you are trying to lose weight and maintaining it.
In most cases, your body has plenty of energy reserves by way of stored glucose and fat to call upon. You likely don’t need to eat that much before or after a workout to have enough fuel to get through it. So er on the side of caution.
Use the green, orange and red rule
Add a type of food that is within these colors in as many meals as possible. If you do that, you will mostly eat fruits and vegetables and you’ll eat far less high-calorie foods overall.
Drink plenty of Water
Drink water consistently and regularly. By increasing your water intake, your body gets hydrated, which is great for overall health and you’ll also feel fuller and less hungry.
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Decrease salt intake
Salt causes bloating and makes it hard for you to drop the kilos. It is a big factor in weight gain and many Australians are consuming more salt nowadays. You also feel thirstier and hungrier when you consume too much salt.
Here’s a tip: Instead of buying packaged food that has high sodium levels, choose fresh meals. You will notice that your belly will get smaller and your face will be less puffy when you kick the salt habit!
Don’t assume that diet Soft Drink will help with weight loss
Artificial sweeteners are wreaking havoc on your body because they disrupt the ability of the body to regulate calorie. People who consume a lot of “diet” and artificially sweetened products are probably going to eat more because their body is being tricked that what they are eating is sugar so they crave more.
Get enough food on your plate and walk away
Make sure that when you eat, you put just enough on your plate and don’t comeback for seconds. You won’t starve. You also won’t regret under-eating. But you will regret over-eating. Putting food in front of you within eyesight makes you want to reach for more, even if you’re full.