How To Lose Love Handles (13 Stomach Fat Loss Tips)
Updated 21 March 2023
Getting into weight loss programs can be very challenging, especially if your body is not used to an overall healthy lifestyle of exercise and healthy eating (it’s not easy breaking long-term habits!).
But if you want to lose love handles, you need to be willing to commit to a consistent diet and exercise routine. The best way to lose that annoying love handles is to avoid taking in excess calories and make sure that you get plenty of exercise (we’re here to help!).
What Causes Love Handles?
Love handles are often caused by stress because when you are stressed out, a stress hormone called cortisol is released. The more cortisol you produce, the greater your chances of developing love handles and other fat around the midsection.
But that’s not all. Of course, inactivity and an unhealthy diet are also common causes. Now, if you are looking for ways to lose love handles, here are some you can try today.
There so many benefits to weight loss that don’t just revolve around physical attributes, but also to your overall health and wellbeing.
Exercise is obviously one component of any weight loss program, but beyond helping you to lose body fat, it also makes you feel better about yourself and makes you more confident.
In reaching your fitness goals, your stomach fat and love handles areas are often the single most stubborn thing to lose. It’s one of the most challenging parts of your body to lose fat, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
Both men’s and women’s bodies respond differently to any weight loss program so when trying to lose stomach fat, its sometimes a bit of a balance to get things right.
In saying that, it’s often true that men tend to have it much easier than women do when it comes to losing fat around the stomach.
How To Get Rid Of Love Handles
1. Reduce Alcohol Intake

This is one of the weaknesses that men have trouble with, even more than sticking to a healthy diet. We all have moments where we want to enjoy a beer on a Friday night, but that one glass can easily lead to several beers in just one night – and this is a big part of what causes an accumulation of body fat over time – it’s not the one night of drinking, but rather the consistently drinking over a period of months.
If you really want to get rid of your stomach fat, you need to have the discipline to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume. As a general rule, if you’re having more than a coupel drinks, you’ve probably blown out your daily calorie intake.
2. Drink plenty of water
Sometimes the easiest diet changes include adding instead of taking foods away. A research has been shown that when men and women increased water intake, their sugar and fat consumption went down.
Beyond simply reducing calories, water is an essential component to overall health – drink up!
3. Try Protein Shakes

There is no substitute for eating normal protein, however with our busy lifestyles, you can easily take advantage of protein shakes, especially if you aren’t getting enough protein in your diet. Protein is the one part of a successful diet plan because it will keep you full for longer periods, will also help you build lean muscle mass too.
If you want to cut down that stomach fat, protein shakes can be one piece of the puzzle. They’re also great as a meal or snack replacement when you’re craving something, but are watching your calorie intake.
4. Get enough sleep
When you don’t get enough rest, your body becomes stressed and produces hormones that make you feel hungrier, making it that much harder to lose any weight, much less those stubborn love handles. It’s while you sleep that your body repairs and refreshes. Aim for 8 hours per night and see the difference!
5. Take Rest Days
Whilst on the subject of rest, let’s look at rest days… There is a misconception than when you work out your abs every day, you’ll be effective in losing stomach fat, but that’s not entirely the case. You need to give your muscles adequate time to rest and recover so working your abs two to three times a week is effective enough.
Remember with exercise for any sort of weight loss, that variety is key. Mix up your routines, type of exercises and how often you work each muscle group. Keep your body guessing!
6. Healthy Eating

You can’t lose your stomach fat without a proper diet so you can do all the right exercise routines you want, but if you maintain a poor diet, you won’t get the results you want. A well-balanced diet consists of fibre, carbs, healthy fats, protein, vegetables, and fruits – a little bit of everything!
Rather than eating out and fast food, add foods with fat-burning nutrients like calcium and fibre to your plate to help reduce your calorie consumption, whilst also giving your body a boost of nutrients.
Your meal sizes should also be in adequate portions, which means the majority of your diet shouldn’t consist of pure carbs, but it shouldn’t be purely fats or protein either.
7. Reduce sugar intake
This one deserves it’s own mention, additional to eating healthier.
Instead of adding that teaspoon of table sugar to your coffee in the morning, try using something calorie-free or even cutting the sweetener out completely, you’ll be surprised by how much leaner you will be feeling.
8. Stay in a Calorie Deficit

Based on the definition, a calorie deficit is burning more calories than you consume and it’s the kind of diet that will help you lose weight. Most men are familiar enough with which foods are going to blow out the daily calorie intake, so weight loss often just comes down to controlling meal portions. You can still eat all the food you want, just don’t eat massive plates full.
9. Speak With A GP
Since not all love handles are caused by stress and hormone imbalance in our body, there might be other factors involved. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, who can likely help you with some professional advice. A once-off trip could be just the start you need to getting rid of love handles and excess weight!
10. Use a smaller plate

There’s a psychological effect in the size of the plate you’re eating from. Replace your regular plate size to one that’s three quarters or even half the size of your normal plate. And only finish off what’s on your plate. Think about it logically – eat from a plate that is 25% less in size, that’s 25% less calories in. And this certainly ads up!
11. Exercise

Do some strength training. Building lean muscle through lifting weights or doing some form of resistance training can help build valuable lean muscle. Do some form of strength training at least twice a week, preferrably a little more!
Get into cardio. Start slowly if you are just beginning an exercise program. Walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day and gradually build your way up to more vigorous activity. Running, jogging and biking are classic forms of cardiovascular exercise, but anything that works the heart and lungs will suffice.
There’s a huge difference between going through the motions and exerting the best effort in your workouts, and it’s the latter that will help you lose your stomach fat. Showing up for your exercise isn’t enough, but it’s about the effort you choose to show during your workout and if you really did your best. if you’re gonna be there, you may as well make it worth it!
12. Cut back on carbs

Eating too much carbs is known to increase weight gain if the energy from the carbs is not burned off. Make the portion for your carbs smaller and replace it with more proteins and vegetables. It’s also a good idea to replace your refined carb foods with whole grains.
13. Find the best ways for coping with stress

Many people tend to eat more when whenever subjected to undue amount of tension, anxiety and stress.
Constant eating to relieve stress invariably leads to weight gain. Try different stress management techniques instead including meditation and yoga.
In fact, exercising alone, even if it’s 15-20 minutes is a great stress reliever as your body releases a flurry of happy hormones. Try it!
Tips For Men To Get Rid Of Love Handles
Male and female bodies often react completely different to weight loss and exercise programs. Similarly, the places men and women tend to store excess fat often varies. Below are some tips for men lookig to get rid of love handles.
Incorporate Cardiovascular Exercise:
Engage in regular cardiovascular activities such as jogging, swimming, or cycling to help burn calories and reduce overall body fat, including the fat around your waistline. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
Strength Training and Core Exercises:
Focus on strength training exercises that target the entire body, including the core muscles. Incorporate exercises like planks, Russian twists, and side bends to specifically target the oblique muscles, which can help to tighten and tone the love handle area.
Balanced and Healthy Diet:
Consume a well-rounded diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
Avoid processed foods, sugary beverages, and excessive amounts of unhealthy fats. By keeping your diet clean and balanced, you’ll be better able to maintain a healthy weight and prevent the accumulation of excess fat around your midsection.
Manage Stress:
High stress levels can lead to an increase in cortisol production, which may contribute to fat accumulation around the waistline.
Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to help keep stress in check and promote overall well-being.
Stay Consistent and Patient:
Getting rid of love handles takes time, effort, and dedication.
Remain consistent with your exercise routine and healthy eating habits, and be patient as you work towards achieving a toned and sculpted midsection. Remember that spot reduction is not possible, and a holistic approach to fitness and health is essential for long-term success.
Summing Up
So the trick to losing tummy fat and losing your love handles is to actually reduce your overall weight and you’ll notice the stomach fat reduces along with your overall weight loss.
In conclusion, we hope this article was able to shed insight into some helpful hints on how to get rid of love handles.
The stomach and sides region can generally the part of your body that’s very stubborn to lose, especially if your excess fat tends to store in your stomach. However, with consistent exercise, healthy food choices, and proper habits, you can easily lose the unwanted stomach fat in your body.