10 Fantastic Healthy Ideas & Sugar Alternatives For Baking


Baked goodies are yummy. They are packed with flavor-rich ingredients to ensure the yummy goodness. One of the most important components of baking is sugar, which tickles your taste buds and leaves you feeling high, but too much of it can harm your health and let’s be honest, we all know it’s no good for weight control!

There are many options out there that work great as sugar substitutes. This article will outlineĀ 10 of the best sugar alternatives and sugar workarounds for baking that you can consider, so read on.

1. Flattened Cookie Dough

Sugar substitutes tend to prevent the dough from spreading. The only way to make successfully-baked cookies using a sugar alternative is to flatten it. All you have to do is to gently press the dough with your palm.

2. Chocolate with Coffee

Chocolate can bring wonders to your baked goodies. Adding coffee into the mixture will make it more wonderful. Make sure to use cold, brewed coffee when mixing your chocolate recipes.

3. Egg Whites

Egg whites help create volume. Use them instead of whole eggs. For best results, use two egg whites for each whole egg needed in the original recipe.

4. Maple Syrup

A cup of maple syrup is packed with nutrients, like calcium, iron, manganese, and zinc. They are all helpful in keeping your immune system strong. When baking, make sure to use pure maple syrup, and not maple-flavoured.

5. Agave Syrup

Agave syrup or nectar is low on glycaemic index. It works great in offering the sweetness in your recipe without letting your blood sugar level spike. The nectar is extracted from the blue agave plant that is already between seven and ten years old.

6. Honey

The honey produced by bees is not only naturally sweet, but it also offers vitamins and nutrients. Use it on your recipe in place of sugar. It is packed with potassium, B vitamins, and vitamin C. It also helps relieve sore throat, as well.

7. Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is packed with nutrients. In fact, a cup of it contains iron, calcium, and potassium. It is also rich in B vitamins and copper. These nutrients all help block cancer-causing free radicals.

8. Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is a popular baking additive that can replace sugar. You can also add it to another sugar substitute to enhance the flavour. You can add half a teaspoon for every half cup of sugar alternative used on the recipe. Make sure to choose pure vanilla extract to ensure quality.

9. Citrus-flavored Sugar Substitute

Some sugar alternatives leave a metallic after-taste that not every one might be able to tolerate. You can address this issue by using sugar substitutes that have citrus flavours. They usually come in packets and boxes.

10. Stevia Blend

Stevia is another popular sugar alternative, particularly among those suffering from diabetes. The glycosides in the stevia leaves are responsible for the natural sweetness. Since it is calorie-free, it can be a helpful addition to your weight management plan.