Fitness Tips

How To Lose Weight Walking

Walking is one of the easiest exercises you can do and it offers incredible health benefits. Brisk walking helps you lose weight, develop and tone existing muscles, and even maintain bone density. And the best part is, you can incorporate walking for eight loss into your routine pretty easily. Even a little bit of extra… Read more

How Exercise Helps Improve Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is all about how an individual measures self. It is all about appreciating oneself, irrespective of the flaws and faults present in the personality. Low self-esteem will not allow a person to gratefully acknowledge the weaknesses and strengths and move forward in life. Thus, it is essential to improve self-esteem and positive outlook towards… Read more

Carbs – to eat or not to eat is the question….

Updated 15/12/2020 What are we supposed to believe? One day carbs are the root of all evil and now new evidence is telling us that perhaps they are all right after all. Australian and American research has surprisingly found that there can be room for pasta, rice and potatoes in our diet, if they are… Read more

7 Tips On How To Lose 10 Kilograms

Many people struggle to lose excess weight in spite of working tirelessly so as to achieve a slim figure devoid of any excess fat. However, some significant changes in the lifestyle along with proper diet plus stringent workout routine can easily help us to lose at least 10kg quite fast. In the following guide, we… Read more

10 Tips On How To Lose 50 Kilograms

Are you concerned with those extra kilos? If yes, then these ten tips on how to lose 50 kilograms will come in handy for you! Extra kilos risk your overall body health. The best ways to lose weight are to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet. Let’s dive into ten… Read more

Coach Adam vs Everest Base Camp

Have you ever dreamed of climbing Mount Everest, but thought you’d never be able to do it? That you’re not fit enough, or strong enough? Well don’t give up on yourself just yet. In October last year Coach Adam from EFM Health Clubs North Melbourne set out on the gruelling trek to Everest Base Camp,… Read more

how to lose 30 kg

8 Tips To Lose 30 Kilograms Sensibly

Many Australians are looking for simple ways to cut down their weight so that they can lead more productive lifestyle, feel better within themselves and ultimately, healthier. Being overweight is not only dangerous to your health, but can also make you less productive at work and lead to high medical costs caused by the condition…. Read more

Is Running Good For Weight Loss?

Running is one of the best ways to lose weight because it is a rigorous exercise that burns a significant amount of calories, compared to lower-intensity exercise. In general, performing physical exercises assists people to lose weight, as the physical activity burns calories, as compared to when an individual is resting. Is running or walking… Read more