
What Happens To Your Body When You Exercise 3 Times Per Week

Updated 19th March 2023 Benefits Of Regular Exercise   Is ExercisING 3 Times Per Week Best? A healthy lifestyle is essential for longevity. It means you have to eat properly, and exercise regularly in order to stay healthy. Experts recommend exercising at least three times a week to maintain good health. How many days a… Read more

Health Benefits of Spinach (9 Reasons Spinach Is Special)

  Spinach is popularly known as a superfood. This is due to the high number of nutrients it contains. The good news is that this leafy green is extremely low in calories. Dark leafy greens, such as this one, provide tons of health benefits. Continue reading to find out how. 9 Health Benefits of Spinach Regulates… Read more

8 Top Health Benefits of Carrots

  We all know that carrots are one of the most nutritious vegetable and we mostly find them served on many food recipes.  Carrots are the most potent source of Vitamin A and beta carotene which is good for your eye’s health. The nutrition in carrots are tightly encased in protein sacs that have to… Read more

10 Ways Drinking Plenty Of Water Will Improve Your Health

  Water intake is essential to health. The amount of water needed every day varies from person to person but one of the indicators to see whether you are hydrating enough, as funny as it sounds, is observing the colour of your pee. Aim for pale yellow. Ideally, you should be drinking around 2 litres of water a… Read more

8 Magnificent Health Benefits Of Magnesium

  Magnesium is needed by our bodies for various functions and overall health. However, surprisingly, many of us are unaware of the importance of this mineral. In addition to that, most of us don’t take in enough magnesium. We can make sure we have enough magnesium by eating more magnesium-rich food or taking a supplement… Read more

8 Little-Known Health Benefits of Lemon

  We all know lemons are a popular fruit that is sometimes added as garnish to food and even make juices out of it. Lemons are exceptionally sour, but its unique taste makes it a natural source of sourness to compliment some of the foods we eat. What many people do not know however is… Read more

6 More Reasons To Eat Those Tasty Cherries

  Cherries are a popular fruit world over and this is despite the fact that they are in season for a few months every year. People love this small fruit not only due to its delicious taste but also because it is juicy and makes an excellent addition to desserts and cocktails. However, what most… Read more

The Top Health Benefits Of Turmeric

  The flavorful spice that gives curry its yellow color, turmeric, is also nutrient-rich and potent. Many research studies have, in fact, been done to discover the many uses of turmeric. Whether you’re adding it to your favorite dishes or taking it as a supplement, it’s an excellent idea to include it in your daily… Read more

7 Outstanding Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea

  Ginger is not just a flavorful spice for your dishes, it is also incredibly healthy. This aromatic and potent root can be used fresh, dried or in powder form. It can be added to dishes, mixed with smoothies or made into a soothing beverage like tea. Here are the best reasons why you should… Read more

How To Lose Love Handles (13 Stomach Fat Loss Tips)

Updated 21 March 2023 Getting into weight loss programs can be very challenging, especially if your body is not used to an overall healthy lifestyle of exercise and healthy eating (it’s not easy breaking long-term habits!). But if you want to lose love handles, you need to be willing to commit to a consistent diet… Read more