
8 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Tea

  When you are looking for a healthy drink to consume daily, then drinking tea is a good start. For so many years, the ingredients in tea have been known to be one of the effective way to detoxify our bodies. Tea is considered to have originated in China and there are many variations like… Read more

7 Ways To Prevent Ageing Naturally

  There are many natural ways to fight against ageing, so you don’t really need to invest in expensive creams or spa therapies. From drinking more water to exercising regularly, take a look at the simple things you can do to give yourself a youthful boost, naturally. Hydration, hydration, hydration It is especially important to… Read more

5 Ways to Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle in 2017

  You’ve set your New Year’s resolutions, they may or may not contain weight, fitness, and health related goals but there’s a good chance they do. So now we have an end goal – but how will we make sure you get there? That’s why I’m writing this article, to give you actionable tips and… Read more

What Are The Benefits Of Rowing? 5 Reasons To Row!

  Rowing is one of the most effective workouts that you can do at the gym, at home, or even as a sport. This type of workout can help you achieve your optimum physical fitness. A rowing machine allows you to build and tone your muscles, increase your stamina, and strengthen your cardiovascular function. Many,… Read more

The Best Vitamins & Minerals For Healthy Skin

  If you have been on a bit of a Christmas and post-Christmas junk food bender, perhaps you’re looking to get yourself, and your diet, back on track Illness aside, many of us like to eat healthy so that we have more energy, feel better and also because we understand that what we put into… Read more

5 Ways To Prevent Back Pain!

  Article provided by the team at SPORTSMED·SA With approximately 8 in 10 people affected, almost everybody has suffered from back pain at some point in their lives. It may even be troubling you right now, or maybe you have just recovered. No matter what situation you are in, protecting your back is vital. Our… Read more

5 Handy Gym Tips For New Members

  Article provided by the team at SPORTSMED·SA As a new EFM member you are getting ready to work with your coach on your individual exercise plan and hit the gym to reach those personal health and fitness goals. Here are five tips to help you get started. Ask for help! Whenever you have a… Read more

5 Simple Exercises You Can Do At Work

  Article provided by the team at SPORTSMED·SA Whether it’s utilising your desk, chair or office space, there are a number of basic and inventive exercises you can perform at work. The following five exercises will help you to enjoy a healthier, less stressful and ultimately happier day at work. Best of all, they require… Read more